PB. Printing instructions

Step 1 Printing materials:


We do all the design with PETG. PETG is strong and easy to print. It is the same material as printer parts.
All files are easy to print with PETG prusament. We used default PrusaSlicer material profile for PETG.

Number of spool:

For a basic set-up, you need 930 grammes of filament. Please take in consideration that in case of failed print, you will need more.
For a lot of mod, you will need 1700 grammes of filament.

Step 2 Printing parameters:


Layer thickness:

We recommend 0.2mm layer thickness.

Nozzle diameter:

Alls design is made and tested with standard 0.4mm nozzle diameter. Printing with a larger nozzle will generate assembling issues.

Infill & perimeters:

For the 8 corners of the box: we recommend 60% infill with 2 perimeters OR 30% infill with 4 perimeters.
Other parts can be printed with 30% infill and 2 perimeters.


Parts are designed to be printed without support.

Step 3 Printing files:


You may want to use the “split to object” funcion, if you want to divide a print plate.


Inside each folder there is a “STEP” subfolder, which contains all CAD files and modification log. It is necessary only if you want to modify our design.

All files specifics for PrusaBox have a prefix “PB”.