PB. Platform assembly
Assembly time: 1h30
Required kit elements:
- Printer-box base
- M4 screws and M4 nuts
- M3 screws and M3 nuts
- 2 cross-beams
Step 1 Preliminary information
This is the main element of the printer-box. We call it the platform.
These 2 pieces are the cross-beams. They are used to stiffen the platform. The kit contains another cross-beam, which will be used for the roof of the box.
At the front of the platform, there is a place for the printer control panel and a free slot for Raspberry PI or temperature control mod.
At the back of the platform is the power supply for the printer and the power supply for the printer-box, which is needed for the mods.
On the right hand side is the slot for the air input.
At the bottom of the platform there is a hole for ventilation of the printer’s mainboard.
Step 2.1 Mounting the platform corners (old version)
Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Box_corners
Insert 1 M4 nut into each of the slots.
This may require a little pressure.
Insert 1 corner piece into each corner of the base.
For right insertion of corners, slide them from the top.
Fix the corner pieces to the base with M4 screws.
Step 2.2 Mounting the platform corners (quick top remove version)
Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Box_corners
You can watch this video:
Insert 6 M4 nuts into each bottom corner.
Slide down corner pieces into the base.
Tighten with M4 screws.
Step 3 Attaching the PrinterBox’ feet
File in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Box_corners
Turn the printer-box over. Insert and tighten the 2 screws to hold the printer-box foot.
Proceed in the same way with the 4 corners of the base.
Step 4 Mounting of the motherboard cooling grid
STL file in “19_Motherboard_cooling” folder:
- 19_Motherboard_grid_v1
Insert nuts 4 M3 square nuts into each of the ventilation grid slots.
Position the ventilation grid and fix it with 4 M3x6mm screws.
The grid is inside the printer-box, so the screw head is under the printer-box.
You may want to print and assemble instead a funnel to improve the fresh air circulation.
Click here to go to the assembly guide of this mod.
Step 7 Mounting the cross-beams
STL file in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Cable_rails folder:
- 0PB_mk3_cable_management_horizontal
- 0PB_mk4_cable_management_horizontal
For this step, you will need 2 crossbeams and 2 cable rail mounting.
Place the 2 lower cross-beams on the printer-box base.
You will need 6 M4 screws to fix the cross-beam to the printer-box base.
Place 1 cable guide on each of the lower cross-beams against the left side of the base. Screw the cable guides to each cross-beam (nuts on the inside).
Screw the cross-beams to the base (M4 nuts inside the printer-box).
Do not put any screws in the intermediate positions for now.
Step 8 Mounting the foot braces
You can choose between 3 types of foot braces:
Foot braces for Prusa Mk3 shock absorber: see step 8.1.
Foot braces for Printer-box on Printer Mk3: see step 8.2.
Foot braces for squash balls on printer Mk2 / Mk3: see step 8.3.
Step 8.1 Mounting the foot braces for Prusa Mk3 shock absorber
Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 03_printer_feet folder:
Position the 4 foot braces on the lower cross-beams as shown in the picture.
The parts are identical but are placed differently: do not choose the wrong holes.
Screw the foot braces to the cross-beams (screws on the outside).
Step 8.2 Mounting the Printer-box foot braces on the Mk3 printer
Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 03_printer_feet folder:
The parts are identical but are placed differently.
Position the first 2 foot braces as shown in the picture.
You can tighten the screws to lock these foot braces in place. (screws on the outside)
Position the other 2 foot braces as shown in the picture.
Screw the foot braces loosely to the cross-beams (screws on the outside).
These two foot braces should not be locked at this time, we need to keep a little flexibility to position the printer correctly later. We will lock them once the printer is installed.
Step 8.3 Mouting the squash ball foot braces to the Mk2 / Mk3 printer
Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 03_printer_feet folder:
Position the 4 foot braces on the lower cross-beams as shown.
The parts are identical but are placed differently: do not choose the wrong holes.
Screw the foot braces to the cross-beams (screws on the outside).