PB. MK4 Top and doors assembly

Assembly time : 1h30

Required kit elements :

  • Prusa-box top
  • 1x cross-beam
  • 4x uprights
  • bag of M4 screws and M4 nuts
  • bag of M3 screws and M3 nuts
  • 12x 3mm pins for hinges

Step 1 Mouting the top cross-beam

Prusabox - img 201 - top assembling parts
Prusabox - img 202 - top assembling together_2
Prusabox - img 201 - top assembling parts Prusabox - img 202 - top assembling together_2

On this step we need :

Prusa-box top



Position the top cross-beam as shown and fix the cross-beam to the roof with 5 M4 screws and 5 M4 nuts (screw heads on the outside)

If you plan to add LED lights, don’t screw now the two extremities screws.

Step 2 Preparation of corner pieces

Prusabox - img 203 - corners
Prusabox - img 204 - coners nuts
Prusabox - img 206 - corners back m3 nuts
Prusabox - img 205 - corners top nuts
Prusabox - img 203 - corners Prusabox - img 204 - coners nuts Prusabox - img 206 - corners back m3 nuts Prusabox - img 205 - corners top nuts

File in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Box_corners


Take the 4 top corners: all parts are different.

Insert M4 nut in each of the indicated slots

Don’t forget to insert M4 nut on top slot (top back corners only)

If you will install the LED option, insert the square nuts on the front corner pieces (2 nuts per corner piece)


Step 3 Fitting the corner pieces (1/3)

Please note: each corner piece is different and has its own location.

Front right corner

Front left corner

Back right corner

Back left corner


Step 4 Fitting of corner pieces (2/3)

Prusabox - img 211 - corners front left
Prusabox - img 212 - corners front left insertion
Prusabox - img 213 - corners front left final position
Prusabox - img 214 - corners front left screws
Prusabox - img 218 - corners front right
Prusabox - img 211 - corners front left Prusabox - img 212 - corners front left insertion Prusabox - img 213 - corners front left final position Prusabox - img 214 - corners front left screws Prusabox - img 218 - corners front right

Slide the front corner pieces into place.

A little pressure may be required.

Printed part and steel frame must be align.

Fix the front left corner with 4 M4 screws.

Fix the front right corner with 4 M4 screws.


Step 5 Fitting of corner pieces (3/3)

Prusabox - img 208 - corners back left
Prusabox - img 209 - corners back left screws
Prusabox - img 210 - corners back right
Prusabox - img 208 - corners back left Prusabox - img 209 - corners back left screws Prusabox - img 210 - corners back right

Slide the back corner pieces into place. 

Fix the back left corner with 4 M4 screws.

Fix the back right corner with 4 M4 screws.


Step 6 Placement of the logo plate

Prusabox - img 217 - logo plate parts
Prusabox - img 219 - logo plate screws
Prusabox - img 218 - logo plate position
Prusabox - img 217 - logo plate parts Prusabox - img 219 - logo plate screws Prusabox - img 218 - logo plate position

Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Box_corners:


Logo plate: left part

Logo plate: right part

Fix the plate to the roof of the printer-box with 6 M3x6mm screws. There is no need for nuts: this part of the printer-box will not be subject to any pressure.

Double check that the logo plate it on the right position: middle thicker part have to be closed to holes for top door hinges.


It is now time to add some mods if you want them!

Step 7 Assemble the “quick top remove” corners

You can skip this step if you printed classic corners

016_quick_top_remove (5)
016_quick_top_remove (5) 016_Quick_top_remove(6)

File in 0PB_Prusabox>0PB_Box_corners


Bending guide

We are going to slightly bend this side of uprights. They all have this similar shape on one side.

Use the bending guide to make the shape. The metal frame must fit in bending guide’s notch.

This bending will create a spring effect, that will allow you to remove easily the top part of your enclosure.

You can follow these two videos :

016_quick_top_remove (8)
016_quick_top_remove (9)
016_quick_top_remove (8) 016_quick_top_remove (9)

Slide the half corner in the bent upright like the picture.

Screw slightly, just to avoid loosing nuts.

    Step 8 Installing uprights (1/3)

    Prusabox - upright parts A
    Prusabox - img 223 - upright insertion
    Prusabox - img 224 - upright position
    Prusabox - img 225 - upright final position
    Prusabox - img 226 - upright screws
    Prusabox - img 227 - upright other side
    Prusabox - upright parts A Prusabox - img 223 - upright insertion Prusabox - img 224 - upright position Prusabox - img 225 - upright final position Prusabox - img 226 - upright screws Prusabox - img 227 - upright other side

    Left back uprights

    Right back uprights

    Turn the top of the printer-box over (outer side against the table).

    Slide left rear upright from the top with printed corners inserted on the upright.

    Then you can slide down the upright. 

    You succeeded if left and right hooks are in place and there is no gap on the top.
    If not, go back to (yellow arrow).

    Tighten left rear upright with 4 M4 screws.

    Tighten right rear upright with 4 M4 screws.

    Depending on how the the corner pieces were printed, you may have to force a little.

    Step 9 Installing uprights (2/3)

    Place the roof on the back uprights that you assembled on the previous step.

    The printed part on the top is a filament guide. It will be installed in Top spool holder chapter.

    Step 10 Installing uprights (3/3)

    Prusabox- upright parts B
    Prusabox - img 230 - upright insertion
    Prusabox - img 231 - upright insertion 2
    Prusabox - img 232 - upright screws
    Prusabox - img 233 - upright front left screws
    Prusabox- upright parts B Prusabox - img 230 - upright insertion Prusabox - img 231 - upright insertion 2 Prusabox - img 232 - upright screws Prusabox - img 233 - upright front left screws

    Front right upright

    Front left upright

    Position right upright in front of  corner piece as shown.

    Slide right front upright so that it clips to the top of the printer-box.

    Fix right front upright with 3 M4 screws.

    Fix left front upright with 3 M4 screws.

    Step 11 Fitting the fixed hinges (1/2)

    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge parts
    Prusabox - img 235 - hinge nuts insertion
    Prusabox - img 236 - hinge axis insertion
    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge axis 2
    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge parts Prusabox - img 235 - hinge nuts insertion Prusabox - img 236 - hinge axis insertion Prusabox - mk4 - hinge axis 2

    Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 06_doors_hinge folder:

    0PB_mk4_upgrade hinge lock


    0PB_mk4_hinge lock

    Start by sorting the fixed hinges:

    Hinges type A

    Hinges type B

    Insert M3 square nuts in all hinges

    Insert 3mm pins in all hinges.

    Hinges should be inserted as showned.

    Step 12 Fitting the back left fixed hinges (2/2)

    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge postion left_front left
    vertical cable rail_2
    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge position front right_right_back_top
    Prusabox - mk4 - hinge postion left_front left vertical cable rail_2 Prusabox - mk4 - hinge position front right_right_back_top

    Files in 0PB_Prusabox > 0PB_Cable_rails folder:


    Assemble hinges type B for the left door and on the inside, the vertical cable mounts using 4 M3x12 screws.

    Assemble hinges type B for the front left door.

    Assemble hinges type A for the front right, top, back and right doors.

    Fix each fixed hinge with 2 M3x6 screws by screwing from the inside.

    You can already install the webcam rail on the front-right upright part.

    Step 13 Preparation of the Plexiglass sheets

    Prusabox - mk4 - doors parts
    Prusabox - img 244 - doors foil
    Prusabox - mk4 - doors parts Prusabox - img 244 - doors foil

    Kit includes 7 plexiglass sheets (6 for upgrade kit):

    2pcs for side doors 

    1pc for back door

    1pc for top door

    2pcs for double front door

    1pc for sealing of front door

    Remove the protective films from the Plexiglas sheets.

    Step 14 Preparation of doors printed parts and doors handles

     Hinges type A and B (4xA and 2xB in upgrade kit)

    Top door handles (not in upgrade kit)

    Front door magnet holders

    Back doors locks

    Front handles

    Insert M3 square nuts into each slot


    Step 15 Mounting back and top doors

    Prusabox - img 251 - top doors
    Prusabox - mk4 - back door
    Prusabox - img 249 - doors lock
    Prusabox - img 251 - top doors Prusabox - mk4 - back door Prusabox - img 249 - doors lock

    Top door, check hinge and handle side regarding asymetrical distance.

    Front and back doors are the same, check hinge and lock side regarding asymetrical distance.

    Assemble 2 type A hinges with 4 M3x6 screws on those doors. Double check to fix it with screw head against table.

    Assemble locks on back door with 2 M3x12 screws. Double check to assemble it with screw head against table.

    Tighten the bolts of the locks sufficiently so that there is a slight resistance but not too much so that the lock is not too hard to open.

    Step 16 Front doors

    front door_2
    front doors magnet_2
    front door_2 front doors magnet_2

    Position the two doors in order to have them like in the picture. Be careful about the asymetrical distance of the hinges.

    Add on top of the right door, the plexiglass little part. It is used to seal the gap between doors when closed.

    Tighten hinges and handles using M3 screws.

    Add magnets inside magnet holder, and position them where they belong (see picture). Tighten them with M3x12 screws.

    Step 17 Right door

    Right door parts
    Right door
    Right door parts Right door

    File in 0PB_Prusabox>0PB_Doors


    Insert M3 square nuts into each slot.

    Insert 6 magnets into the big slots: don’t hesitate to slightly push them at the bottom of the slot.

    Put on the table all parts as shown on the picture: all writings must be against the table.

    Be carefull to R2 orientation : handles and growth must be on the outside.

    Place the Plexiglass sheet on top of it, and screw lightly using M3*12 screws. If you screw to hard, you might bend the sheet.

    Step 18 Left door

    left door parts_2
    Left door
    left door parts_2 Left door

    File in 0PB_Prusabox>0PB_Doors


    Insert M3 square nuts into each slot.

    Insert 6 magnets into the big slots: don’t hesitate to slightly push them at the bottom of the slot.

    Put on the table all parts as shown on the picture: all writings must be against the table.

    Be carefull to R2 orientation : handles and growth must be on the outside.

    Place the Plexiglass sheet on top of it, and screw lightly using M3*12 screws. If you screw to hard, you might bend the sheet.

    You have successfully assembled top and doors