Spool tank on PrusaBox/ModularBox assembly


Assembly time : 15 min

Required kit elements :

  • Assembled Spool tank
  • Assembled Prusabox

Printed parts :

Go to dowload section

Step 1 Feet assembly

Spool tank - img 601 - presentation pieces
Spool tank - img 602 - montage pied arrière
Spool tank - img 603 - montage pieds avant
Spool tank - img 604 montage des pieds
Spool tank - img 601 - presentation pieces Spool tank - img 602 - montage pied arrière Spool tank - img 603 - montage pieds avant Spool tank - img 604 montage des pieds

Files in 0ST_Spool Tank folder:


or for ModularBox:


These pictures are from PrusaBox parts, but ModularBow parts are assembled the same way.

These two feet are rear feet.

These two are front feet.

These feet are an old version. There are no holes anymore to screw together feet and Spool tank

Using Prusabox’s screws, assemble the rear feet.

Assemble front feet with M4 screws.

Step 2 Chimney assembly

Files in 14B_Top_Spool_Holder folder:



Or for ModularBox:



Assemble the base inside the enclosure with M3*6 screws, then add the top filament guide with 2 M3*12 screws.

Step 3 Spool tank assembly

Cut the desired length (see picture) of PTFE tube OD 3.2*ID 4.8mm, and insert them inside printed parts. Screw with M3*6 screws to secure.

Step 4 Only for PrusaBox: Hot air funnel (optional)

Go to the assembly page of this mod here!

Your Spool tank is ready to use !