5. Front door assembly
Assembly time : 15 min
Required kit elements :
- Plexiglas door
- M3 screws and nuts
- Two pins
- Sealing kit (if chosen)
Printed parts :
Step 1 Preliminary information
Files in 0ST_Spool Tank folder :
These are handles.
These are locks.
These are fixed hinges.
These are movable hinges.
These are spacers used if sealing kit was chosen.
This is foam included in sealing kit (optional).
Step 2 Foam sealing
If you didn’t buy the sealing kit, you can proceed to Step 3.
Beginning on one edge, stick the end along the front slot.
Remove little by little the non-adhesive paper.
Gently cut the foam at the other edge of the slot, without scratching the box.
You can proceed the same way for the three other sides.
Step 3 Door assembly
Insert M3 nuts into each slots of handles and movable hinge.
There are two types of locks. You can distinguish them with the height of the step.
Parts with little step are used without sealing kit.
Parts with bigger step are used with sealing kit.
Insert one handle into one big plexiglas hole. Add a lock on the other side of the door and screw with M3 screw. Don’t tighten it too much or you won’t be able to turn it. Do the same for the four locks.
Screw the movable hinges with M3 screws. All screws head of the door must be on the same side.
Step 4 Fixed hinges assembly
Insert M3 nuts into each slots of the fixed hinges.
Insert a pin into one hinge.
Repeat for the second hinge.
Step 5 Final door assembly
This spacer has to be placed this way if you have the sealing kit.
Assemble the door with Spool Tank, using M3*12 screw. Screw’s heads are going inside the box.