Uprights assembly

Assembly time: 45min

Required kit elements:

  • 4 uprights
  • M3 screws and nuts
  • M4 screws and nuts

Step 1 Prepare uprights

Uprights (1)
Uprights (2)
Uprights (3)
Uprights (4)
Uprights (1) Uprights (2) Uprights (3) Uprights (4)

We will need in this steps the four identical uprights and these 4 printed parts, which are parts of bottom corners.

This side is the top

This side is the bottom

Bend slightly the two sections of the bottom of each uprights like in the picture. This will give springs to the metal, and allow you to assemble and disassemble the top easily.

Step 2 Assemble printed parts

Uprights (5)
Uprights (6)
Uprights (5) Uprights (6)

On each bottom, screw very lightly the printed parts with M4 screws and nuts. Be carefull to the way:

Straight holes are going to the top

Titled holes are going to the bottom

Step 3 Assemble uprights

Uprights (7)
Uprights (8)
Uprights (7) Uprights (8)

Using M4 screws, insert the four uprights to the top metal frame. Be carefull that metal parts are not overlapping.

Step 4 Prepare fixed hinges

Uprights (9)
Uprights (10)
Uprights (9) Uprights (10)

First file includes all necessary hinges for L version.

If you have XL version, you need to print both files.

Print plates in “0PB2_Doors” folder:

  • For M enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print_plates_handles_locks_M
    • 0PB2_print_plate_hinges_M
  • For L enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print-plates_door_front_locks_L
    • 0PB2_print_plates_hinges_L
  • For XL enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print-plates_door_front_locks_XL
    • 0PB2_print_plate_hinges_XL


Split the two types of fixed hinges:

  • M version

Type A: 8

Type B: 4

  • L version

Type A: 8

Type B: 4

  • XL version

Type A: 11

Type B: 6

Insert M3 nuts in each slot

Insert a pin in each fixed hinge. This step might be tricky: use a plier to begin the insertion, then the edge of a table can help to push it through.

Step 4 Assemble fixed hinges

Uprights (11)
Uprights (12)
Uprights (13)
Uprights (14)
Uprights (15)
Uprights (11) Uprights (12) Uprights (13) Uprights (14) Uprights (15)

Print plates in “0PB2_Cable_rails” folder:

  • For M enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print-plates-cable_rail_vertical_for_M
  • For L enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print-plates-cable_rail_vertical_for_L
  • For XL enclosure:
    • 0PB2_print-plates-cable_rail_vertical_for_XL

Pictures are of L version. With XL version, you have one more hinge for each side and back/front doors.

Type A. Use M3*6 screws. These two hinges are for top door. Don’t add them know if you want to install LED lights.

Type A. Use M3*6 screws.

Type B. For the left door, use M3*12 screws and add vertical cable rails clips between screw heads and metal frame.

Type B. Use M3*6 screws.

You have successfully assembled the uprights!